Sailor Hyperion

ASSUMED NAME: Sailor Hyperion
REAL NAME: Unknown
AUTHOR: Andrew Perron
AKA: Hyperimon
OTAKU OF: Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn
FACTION: unaligned

Similar to a nine-year-old Caucasian girl; however, has lavender skin, furry, cabbit-like ears, hair and face, and a long, prehensile tail.

May be able to open interdimensional gates. Can evolve to and from a less powerful mascot-ish form.

The Obsidian Scythe: A four-foot-long scythe with a silver blade and a black handle, inlaid with cryptic runes, which she's able to pull out of Hammerspace at will.

Though she's stronger than she looks, that's still pretty weak. Will de-evolve if she runs out of energy or is subjected to a sudden shock. Overconfident.

Is on a continuous quest to find a certain person, who she otherwise knows next to nothing about. She is highly adverse to hurting chibis or allowing them to be hurt (which is kind of odd, since she's extremely chibi herself currently, but...)

Long, long ago, in a time lost to the mists of antiquity (1999), a girl fell to Earth from the sky. This was Sailor Hyperion. She joined the short-lived Hotaruchanian faction, but eventually left to pursue her own shadowy, mysterious goals. By the time she re- appeared in the Wars! (2001), she had somehow been transformed into an Otakemon and assumed an even shadowier and more mysterious agenda. Now wandering the Otaku-Earth, her destiny is about to overlap with that of all otakukind... except silly.

To find this person she's looking for, and to do something shadowy and mysterious.

None, currently. Theoretically, if she met someone she'd worked with before, such as Aureal or Insanity, they would be an ally, but in practice they would probably neither remember nor recognize each other.

None. Yet.

Uploaded on Dec 31, 2002