
Lisa, by Lisa.
OTAKU OF: Tomoe Hotaru, and veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slightly, Kino Makoto (hey, she makes food, and that can't be all bad :P)
FACTION: OSDF - Faction leader, seeing as she was the only sane member, and it landed on her to undertake the duties (yeah, she's still got a big lump on her head from where it landed). :D

A somewhat bony/muscular girl, with knee-length bittersweet hair, long bangs parted in the middle which kinda flip up at the ends, and midnight blue eyes. Wears flare blue jeans, with a big 'n floppy sweatshirt saying 'education victim', with generic sneakers. Underneath the sweatshirt (which she doesn't take off much) is her otaku's current favorite shirt at the moment - a blood-red Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing shirt. And underwear, of course. Always has underwear on where it should be. :P Wears sunglasses-pince-nez pretty much all the time. About 5'5"-7". Isn't all as talented as her Otakulympics medal suggests - she wears the gold medal all the time. Maybe about 15-16 years old. Her pet/sidekick, The Chad, is usually snoozing comfortably on her nose.

Has m4d l33t g4m1ng sk177z ;D She can pull sprites out of the video games she owns, as well as trap things in said games. Is also quite fluent in Pook!ish.

Pogo-glaive, which is pretty much yet another rip off of the Silence Glaive, except that it has a little green button near the blade which, when pressed, converts the glaive into a big pogo stick. It just kinda appears when she wants it to. :P Also, she owns a video game collection which could damn near rival that of the almighty Ultrace. :D

Severe weather. Gets VERY scared and goes into a state of fear, and starts to carry a blankie and teddy bear (also appearing out of nowhere) for safety. Lisa is also highly allergic to the phrase 'in a pickle' *sneeze* Anytime the phrase is mentioned, she sneezes. (thank Miles for that one ^_^)

No one seems brave enough to tell Lisa that she has a somewhat *controlling* personality... ^_^ And as said, she is allergic to the phrase 'in a pickle' *sneeze*

Happened to spill Diet Coke all over her computer and a firefly, which, owing to the unusual circumstances that night, sent her computer in a floozy and sucked her and her firefly into the Otaku Wars!, whereupon she literally landed into the Otakulympics Talent Competition. (It is assumed she got gold in the event because Lisa was unconsious when she fell in, thus allowing the judges to... *cough* examine... her more closely. So, she's not as talented as she thinks she is, but being so stubborn, she won't take the medal off. :P) Whereupon after that, she ended up in Hotaru's mansion and ended up pledging alliegence to her after Hotaru had taken her in. Soon after, Amara Alexander picked her up, and that's when she got caught up with the Minpire... :P After seriously fux0ring continuity, that prompted Tuxedo Dionsyus to recruit her for the new Continuum-X orginazation - and with the Viagra Mumei incident, we all know how THAT went down. ^_^ Got turned into a little girl for a while, so she hung out with Pook! and co. for a while, where she learned Pook!ish and got off on the wrong foot with the Peek. After that, the Alt- universe kicked in, and she met her alternate twin, Semi-Evil Lisa (SE-Lisa being the overly serious wet-blanket type, you just know their relation is SO perfect. ). And... here she is now, after a year!

Recruit more OSDFers, and THEN she'll see about conquering the world. :P

OSDF members, Continuum-X members, SE-Lisa (even though she really hates to admit it), The Chad, Pook! & co - pretty much anyone who hasn't seriously pissed her off before.

Anyone who's pissed her off before (and vice versa)

Uploaded on November 30, 2001