This post includes: Minpire: Harold, Tuxedo Dionysus, NC-Janitor, Artemesian Warrior, Korb, Skuld, Rooks, Raven, Brutus, Lina, Sailor Universe. (11) Darkmoonian: Prince Sapphire, Marvin, ChaosSapphire, Seedling, Dark Glen, Sailor Dragon (woowoo!), Pitch, Esmerodian Warrior. (8) Makochanian: Kobanal, Leloni Bunny, Ferchan. (3) Endymionsamaian: Kane, T-cat. (2) OSDF: Nyakun, RockmanX, Nic-chan, Mr. K, Sailor Polaris, SuperSteve, (6) Unaligned: Sally/Sailor Person, Clone, Bob, KABOOOOOM-ohki. (4) Previously on Otaku Wars! OAV, Discontinuous Continuity: * oooooohhhh-OOOHHHHHH GOD NO! Pickles are wreaking havoc in outerspace! * TD and company went to Tokoz's Warehouse to buy Anti-Meteor gear and found they were all bought up.... by Darkmoonians. * The game of Paper Rock Scissors is horribly twisted and redefined. * Tokoz is Evilized into the dreaded Sailor Dragon! Horror!! Nice bow tho. * The Arty-P is a little more holey than before. * Approx. six Otaku Warriors were blown up on the ThunderWuv when the water from the pickle jars overloaded their weapons array! * George Lucas waives any responsibility concerning last chapter's space-fight sequence. Thus Continues... Chapter VI: "Discontinuous Continuity" Kilts. They're damn manly. They're damn itchy. They're damn breezy. They're damn colorful. They're damn stupid if you wear one without being scottish. However, since nobody in this OAV wears a manly, itchy, breezy, colorful kilt... we can breath a sigh of relief knowing we don't have to deal with a page and a half of lame ass kilt jokes! "WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Prince Sapphire laughed, "I've done it! I've really done it!" "Yay." Marvin droned. "Don't celebrate just yet." ChaosSapphire reminded his prince, "We still have the Ragnarok to deal with." Off to the side, a smaller, red starship suddenly decloaked. Looking a lot like the USS Voyager with 10 huge cannons mounted along its sides, the Veechanian StormLance joined the battle by firing all weapons. The Dark Crystal jolted from the impact. "Sheesh, I thought the bad guys were the ones who were suppose to outnumber and crush the good guys..." Seedling muttered, "Not the other way around!" "FIRE THE DOG BISCUITS!" Prince Sapphire commanded dramatically! Soon after launch, the biscuit was reduced to a fine brownish powder. "... This could get messy..." Dark Glen mused when he and Pitch stepped onto the bridge. "Dark Glen! Did you get the circuit boards I requested?" "Yup. I also bought a bunch of other things that could have been used to stop the meteorite." Dark Glen snickered, "The Janitor and a few others were there, so before returning with our stuff I evilized Tokoz to keep them busy." "You finally evilized the right target?" Seedling snickered, just before he was clobbered by his superior. "Naturally!" DG replied. They didn't need to know he was aiming at the Janitor. < *wuv paper-rock-scissors* -Scene Switch > At Tokoz' Warehouse, the Warriors had finished gasping in horror at the Evilized Tokoz Dragon. Spreading her massive wings wide, Sailor Dragon flapped them once producing a small wind. "One!" She cackled. She beat them a second time. "Two!" "I don't like the looks of this..." Nyakun gulped. Harold whined agreement, "She was still holding the rulebook you gave her, wasn't she TD?" "THREE!" Sailor Dragon spat with a final flap. From inside her wings, dozens upon dozens of razor-sharp scissors flew directly towards the Allied Otaku. "Scissors slice up Otaku Warriors!" she hissed. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Sally screeched as just about every pair of scissors stuck into her body. She fell spinning to the ground, dead yet again. Kane blinked at the sight, but then heard the formidable dragon counting once more. "SCATTER!" "Done!" NC-Janitor exclaimed, running off in four different directions. "TWO!" Sailor Dragon growled as she turned to snap up the nearest of the fleeing NC-Janitors. After a few bites, she swallowed the still squirming NC-Being. "THREE!" The wings beat once more towards the running Kane, sending him flying to the ground. At the same time, a small shower of pointy rocks erupted from the depths of her wings. "Rock beats Otaku to death." The dragon purred deeply, "I win." "AAAAA-" Kane began, helpless on the floor. Another of the NC-Janitors suddenly appeared and put up a strange forcefield. "" Kane finished. "Thanks for the save, but what do we do NOW?" Sailor Dragon had fired off enough rocks to bury the two... "You know... I really hadn't thought that far ahead." The Noncontinuous One sweatdropped. Kane facefaulted in the cramped space. "This isn't getting us anywhere." Dionysus muttered as he ducked the steamroller tossed at him. "Agreed." Nyakun growled as he shot another couple of blasts of ice energy at the Evilized Tokoz. "ONE!" Sailor Dragon growled as she beat her wings, really not understanding why these warriors refused to play this game by the rules that were merged with her in the evilizing. Harold looked from his hiding place next to a few crates, "Need a plan, need a plan..." He kept repeating to himself, then his eyes turned to the labels on the crates. He grinned Nefariously like a True Minpirian and began opening one. "TWO!" She screeched with a flap of her wings, then flung the puny Huu-man known as Nyakun to the ground with a flick of her tail. "THREE!!" She inhaled sharply and breathed fire on the nearest of the two remaining NC-Janitors. "I win!!" Sailor Dragon cackled at the burning remains of NC-Janitor, "Fire burns Otaku Warriors." "Come on!" Kane insisted impatiently to the NC-Janitor buried with him. "Just teleport us out already!" "But... but... I've done that before! It'd be so passe!" "..." Kane ...ed, "You won't save our asses with a simple teleport because you've done that before? Why you little-!" Kane pounced on the NC Otaku, intent on throttling him. However, just as he landed on his target, they both fell through the floor and exited the ceiling of the room above Tokoz. Kane and NC-Janitor blinked at Sailor Dragon. Sailor Dragon sweatdropped and blinked at the two huu-mans that had fallen on her nose. "THREEE!" She shouted and swung her head around, sending the two crashing into a wall. Her wings flapped once more and.. "AAAAAAAHHHH!" Sally screamed as Kane crushed her against the wall, killing her instantly. NC-Janitor had no such person to crush against the wall to save him. However, he didn't need one. Unlike Kane, NC-Janitor bounced off the wall and ricohetted back at the monstrous beast. "AAAAAA-ERK-WAAAAaaaAAAAAaaaaAAAaaaAAAA-ARGH!-ARGH!!-AIIIE!!!" NC-Janitor said as he flew towards her, was grabbed by her swift tail, spun around in the air three times, slammed headfirst into the ground twice, then tossed away like so much trash. "Now..." Sailor Dragon cackled deeply, watching NC-Janitor stagger to his feet on the catwalk where he landed.. to fall into a vat of strange toxic chemicals. The lid to the vat slammed shut behind him. She turned back to the others, "Where were we..." "Toilet beats dragon!!" Harold cried from the catwalk above. The startled, evilized Tokoz gasped as she looked up just as the toilet slammed down on her noggin. "Baka..." Sailor Dragon growled then shot a cone of fire at the yelping Minakochanian, "Dragons beat toilets." With lightning reflexes, she reached out and grabbed the sweatdropping Dionysus and threw him to the ground in front of her. "Final Round." she hissed. TD tried to look around for something to use to his advantage. No crates to save his ass. No nearby objects... nothing but the cracked floor. "Yo Lizard!" The Evilized Dragon jolted upright, the initial saikyo-ryu attack scoring BIG points. Yep, that means Kane will be in trouble. "You call that a firebreath?" Kane continued, flexing his puny huu-man muscles to further taunt and intimidate the creature that was about 20 times larger than himself, "I've had bigger flames roll out of my mouth after eating Tom's bbqed chicken!" "AAAARRGGH!" She growled indignantly at the insults, thrashing her tail about madly. She inhaled sharply and took aim for the Endymionsamaian. "Oh, and Dynamite beats Dragon!" he added, then tossed the lit stick at her. "Nani?" Sailor Dragon's eyes went wide as the stick hit her firebreath. *BOOOM* She was still shaking the cobwebs out of her head when something else unfortunately caught her attention. She looked up to see what it was... "Not to mention FANSERVICE beats Dragon!" Harold cried as he let go with his Unique Super Power. "AAAAAAAHHH!" Sailor Dragon cried, balking at the sight as she desparately covered her innocent eyes with her widdle wings. Taking advantage of the situation, Dionysus jammed the butt end of the Morphing Old Broom into a crack on the floor. Pointing the other end at the dragon, he bid it to extend as far as it would go, pushing her up, up, and over! *CRASH* Rather woosy, Sailor Dragon lifted her head from where she landed in a daze. She noticed what she landed on as soon as she heard the damn minakochanian say, "BigAss BBQ Grill beats Dragon." "That's it! Now you're going to get it!" She growled threateningly as she got to her feet. "Sorry, last round." NC-Janitor chirped from the other side of the room. Even as he spoke, the surrounding walls changed to resemble that of a toilet bowl. NC-Janitor grasped a large flush-handle with a wild grin on his face. The Evilized Tokoz knew exactly what this method was. Her eyes went wide as panic gripped her. She shook her head violently as if to say 'You wouldn't dare!'. NC-Janitor nodded his head just as violently, as if to reply 'The heck I would toots!'... then flushed! The Super Toilet Technique activated, the floor liquidated and formed a whirlpool in the center. "NOOOO!" Sailor Dragon screeched as she fell into it with a Gigantic Splash. "AAAH!" Everyone else also yelped, as the Super Toilet liquidated the ENTIRE room's floor. "Oopsie." NC-Janitor chuckled nervously, then let gravity regain its effect on him with a splash. One by One, the warriors disappeared through the whirlpool. The last to sink into the floor was Sailor Dragon. Nega-energy was being released from the angry dragon as the technique began purging the evil power from her body. She disappeared through the floor finally with a "No Super Toilets allowed! It's not fair!!! IT'S NOT FAAAAIIIIRRR!!!!" After she disappeared, the floor returned to its normal solidity, and the walls regained it's Warehousish texture. Of course, the ceiling swirled for a few seconds and dropped the Tokoz Dragon to the floor, headfirst. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Sally screamed as Tokoz landed on her, dying instantly as every bone in her body was crushed. The inverted black crescent moon on her forehead flashed and disappeared even as her pretty pink tail-bow and silver senshi-fuku-tie vanished into nothingness. For many moments after that, Tokoz remained unconcious... hopefully she didn't incur any brain damage. ;) "Oi..." Clone sweatdropped, "I hope she doesn't blame me for all this when she gets up..." < Albino Sea Monkey wreaks havoc at Radio Shack -Scene Switch > Meanwhile, RockmanX was still standing at Nic-chan's bedside on the ThunderWuv, feeling a little strange. "Oooooh, man," Nic-chan groaned miserably from her bed. "HEY! Wait a minute! I can talk again!" RMX's eyes lit up, blinding half the sick bay staff, "NIC-CHAN!! You're alive! And.... colorful again!" The hologram looked at herself. Indeed, she had become a 128-bit hologram again, with her usual millions of shades and hues. In fact, she felt pretty damn good! As if she were reborn! On the bridge, Artemesian Warrior blinked as the entire ship seemed to have repaired itself. "Report!" the Ami&Minakochanian barked, "What just happened?" "It appears that we've 'respawned', sir." A NO replied from the science station. AW smiled to himself in relief. He had to remember to thank Korb the next time he saw him. On the Ragnarok, Ferchan was busy trying to outmaneuver the Dark Crystal that kept up its assault. A few fires had broken out on the bridge, but SuperSteve was already on the job with the conveniently placed fire extinquishers. "We need more power to the shields!" Ferchan coughed through the smoke. "I'm working on it!" Sailor Polaris shouted back, trying desparately to reroute reserve power. "Hey, look at that!" SuperSteve pointed at the viewscreen, "The Minakochanian vessel's back!" "It looks like the Darkmoonians don't notice it either..." Lina choked in her seat. "Let's give them an easier target..." Ferchan muttered, "Fire the Dental Floss Cannons! Hold the Dark Crystal still as long as possible!" "AW." Brutus reported from the helm, "The Ragnarok just tied up the Dark Crystal with... Dental Floss!" "Is it holding?" AW asked excitedly. "Negative, the sharp outer hull of the Darkmoonian vessel is cutting the floss apart almost as fast as they can dish it out." Skuld replied, "If we're going to take advantage of it, we'll have to act NOW!" "All right," AW commanded, standing up tall and puffing out his chest weirdly, "time to mangle some Darkmoonian kiester! Lt NO, raise shields. Kobanal, prepare to fire the Beautiful Thunder Cannon!" "Right!" Kobanal responded, cluelessly scanning the tactical station for the right button. "Uh, which one fires that, again?" "Oh, fer the luvva-" AW groaned, holding his temples, "it's the one labelled BTC!" Kobanal looked over the controls, "Uh, AW, there isn't anything here labelled BTC. Does anyone here know how to fire the Cannons!?" "You have to press these buttons...." Skuld said, appearing out from seemingly nowhere. "Whaaahh!" Kobanal jumped, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling. "Where'd you come from?" Kobanal yelled. "Dunno," the short Minakochanian said, shrugging her shoulders, "I was down in engineering when we respawned, and now I'm here. Damn thing still needs some work." "Can we hurry this up, please, we need those cannons!" AW exclaimed, becoming a little irritated. "Coming right up!" Skuld chirped, then a few seconds later, the cannon was locked on the Dark Crystal. "FIRE!" The ThunderWuv recoiled as the bright golden bolt sped towards the Dark Crystal. "Direct hit!" Kobanal reported needlessly since all present could see that from the viewscreen. The doors to the turbolift opened with a -=fffssssss=-, and out came RMX and Nic-chan. "What'd I miss?" Nic-chan said cheerfully. "The Dark Crystal is flying around sporatically. It's out of control!" Kobanal reported, completely ignoring the now healthy hologram. The darkmoonians base began to slow in its course, finally coming to a stop directly underneath the rapidly decending meteorite. < TD watching eternal loop of Sailor Moon R -Scene Switch > A little while earlier, on Otaku World... A whirling vortex appeared in the sky 20 miles away from the Expected Crash Site and dropped five Otaku Warriors unceremoniously to the ground. "Itai." Harold cried, "That hurt!" "You have no idea." Mr. K agreed from beneath the Minakochanian. "Hey, we're back!" Nyakun cheered, "And apparently still in time!" "Yep." Korb confirmed from the Third Class Anti-Grav Support System's control panel. "Took us a while to get the blasted thing started, but it's working now." "We had to move everything in a hurry as well, since SOMEONE messed up on their calculations." Bob glared at a certain OSDFer. "Hey! So I forgot to carry a one." Mr. K complained. "What took you guys so long to get back anyway?" Leloni Bunny asked, "We were starting to get worried when you didn't appear with this... thing." "Darkmoonians at the Warehouse." TD sighed, "They evilized Tokoz. Had a bit of trouble trying to stay alive." "Darn, that means I missed another fight." Bob sighed. "Nevermind that now." Kane stated as he pointed up in the sky, "We're out of time..." "Anti-Grav system activated!" Korb shouted as he flicked the switch and jumped away. Luckily, it worked as expected, and a beam of energy shot up into the air. It collided with the meteorite swiftly, slowing it's descent dramatically until it finally came to a stop 300 feet above the surface. "Hey, the Dark Crystal's stuck in it." Mr. K snickered, "I guess the other team managed to mess up the darkmoonians' plans a bit after all." "Ok, we stopped it..." Nyakun raised his right eyebrow, "Now what do we do with it?" "You die with it." A voice growled from behind the warriors. "What?" Harold shouted as he spun around, "Not you again!" The Esmerodian Warrior snickered. He was sitting in a wheelchair sporting bandages that pointed out his two broken legs, his dislocated left arm, and his multiple broken ribs. The re-entry into Otaku World's atmosphere had done all that and messed up his hair. Naturally, this pissed him off. With a quick toss of his right hand, the Joker Card flashed through the air, slicing a few strands of fur from Leloni Bunny as it passed... and it slammed into the Anti-Grav system. "You can all die with me!" Everyone gasped in horror as the Esmerodian Warrior's Card of Death exploded, destroying the Anti-Grav system's power supply. The beam of energy began to falter. "KABOOOOOM-ohki, go!" Bob shouted in alarm, bidding it to turn to ship mode and move everyone to safety. It quickly grew and transformed, then zigzagged around the area allowing the warriors to grab hold. "Oh no you don't!" EW shouted angrily and whipped out his trump card... the one that lists the Deck of Death's warrantee! It sliced through the air swiftly, powered by the black poison crystal imbedded at it's center. (This of course means the warrantee wasn't readable and thus void in this dimension.) "We're almost free!" Kane shouted excitedly, holding on for dear life. The Dreaded Warrantee caught up to KABOOOOOM-ohki just before the the cabbit cleared the shadow of the soon-to-fall meteorite and exploded. The cabbit jolted from the explosion, causing Dionysus and Leloni Bunny to fall hard to the ground. The beam of energy disappeared, releasing the meteorite and darkmoonian space vessel. It began to drop quickly. Leloni gasped as she looked up in horror. She then found herself hurling through the air after someone grabbed her by the back of the neck. She picked her face out of the dirt and looked up just in time to see the evil meteorite bury Tuxedo Dionysus and the Esmerodian Warrior alive. "No..." she gasped quietly. Mr. K walked up to Leloni, "He could be okay," he tried to console the little bunny. Then it sunk a few more feet, as if to disagree. "Well, okay, maybe not now..." End Chapter VI Just kidding. "Dionysus!!!!" Harold howled, in shock at seeing his leader squooshed beneath a 50 ton meteor, no doubt now resembling ground beef. Korb looked okay, but his voice was shaking slightly. "He's gotta be okay..." "What makes you so sure?" Nyakun stated coldly. "Well for one thing, it just doesn't seem like TD to allow a meteor to land on him," Kane said analytically. "I'm sure he'll come popping up in the third reel somewhere, teeth knocked in, EYES GOUGED OUT, LOOKING LIKE A-" "KANE!!" Leloni yelled angrily at the Endymionsamian's lack of tact. "Sorry..." Kane said meekly. "So what do we do now?" Bob spoke up. "You'll die!" Stated a voice from the top of the meteor. All the Allies whirled to face ChaosSapphire, who was standing atop the fallen star. An aura of the darkest blue surrounded the Sapphire clone. A wide, toothy grin played across his face. "Well, CS, it looks like your plan to destroy Otaku World has failed!" Korb said with a confident smirk on his face. "Surrender now, or I'll pump you so full of lead you'll have to sign checks with your ass!" Kane nodded in approval. Not bad... I could've done better... but not bad for an amateur, he thought to himself. "You should be more respectful to your future masters!" CS retorted. "Alright," Kane said, getting a little glint in his eye, "you can start being more respectful anytime you want!" CS sweatdropped, "I meant me, Mr. Evil Wannabe!" "Hey!" Kane replied indignantly, "I AM evil! I just don't show it all the time..." Nyakun crossed his arms, "Yeah right.... sure Kane." "Enough pleasantries, now you die!" CS proclaimed. Leloni looked annoyed, "Oh, CS, you are -such- a Thesbian!" ChaosSapphire became enraged. As the aura surrounding him intensified, the ground began to shake. "I am NOT! And it takes one to know one!" "Whoa! Look out!" Harold shouted from behind the group. The others turned quickly to see a very large, very -dangerous- looking tornado speeding toward them. A cacophany of yelps, screams, and naughty words errupted from the swirling group of Otaku. More than one lost their lunch. "WahHHAHAHAHAHAHA!" CS whahahaa'd, watching in sadistic glee as the helpless Otaku were flung around like...people caught in a tornado... A tiny shiny object caught CS's attention. He couldn't quite pick out what the object was, but it was travelling at very high speeds. The Sapphire clone's eyes opened wide. A large metallic lunchbox, with stickers of a super-deformed NC-Janitor giving a victory sign, and a large Venus Symbol on the top hit ChaosSapphire on the top of the head, breaking his concentration. And his balance. Every Otaku landed on the ground at the same time, CS included, with an -oof!- -owch! -dammit!- -my leg!- -Hey, my sandwich!-. CS was the first to get to his feet. "Aaarrggh!! I'll pay for this!!!" the clone growled. There was a unanimous "Huh?" from the group. "I mean, YOU'LL pay for this!!" "Put it on our tab," Korb snickered as he, predictably, brandished his rocket launcher, and fired. CS crossed his arms in front of his face. The rocket bounced off the clone's magic shield, blowing a good-sized hole in the side of the large chunk-o-the-sky. The force of the rocket sent CS crashing into the meteor, however, the evil Darkmoonian maintained his shields. At least until two more rockets slammed into the darkmoonian, completely destroying his shield. CS looked nevously at the Minako-chump. All of his enemies were gathering around Korb, striking menacing, yet cool looking poses just as Korb let loose a barrage of 40 rockets hurtling his way. < snip 2 minute explosion sequence and Korb's maniacal laughter > "I think you got him!" Leloni exclaimed happily. A small voice was heard near the large smoke cloud. "hehehehehhehehe," ChaosSapphire laughed weakly as he coughed up blood. "You'll never defeat me, you fools.... -=hack! COUGH!!=-" NC-Janitor looked up in the sky, a curious look on his face. CS's eyes opened up in alarm as a large shadow grew under him. "huh?" he croaked weakly. *THOOOM!* went the Ragnarok when it landed on top of CS. "Boy, that was close!" The clone gasped, having teleported to safety. *SPLAATCH!! FOOOF!* CS went as the ThunderWuv landed on him shortly afterward. A cloud of blue smoke was all that remained. The side doors opened, and out came Artemesian Warrior, RockmanX, Nic-chan, Rooks, Brutus, Kobanal, and Raven. "Nice parking, AW!" Rooks complimented the warrior. "Thanks, man!" "Did we make it in time for the party?" Brutus yelled to the gathered allies. From the Ragnarok came Ferchan, SuperSteve, Sailor Polaris, Sailor Universe, T-cat, and Lina. In the ever-growing group of Otaku Warriors, a plan of action began to seed itself. The hole Korb made in the meteorite when fighting ChaosSapphire had revealed a tunnel network. "So we're agreed?" Rooks asked, "We go in, Royally Pound the Darkmoonians, and rescue TD?" "But TD died..." Mr. K said, "You saw the meteorite fall on him like the rest of us... he couldn't have survived... It'd be a waste of time to look for him." "He's alive." Harold argued, "You don't know our faction leader..." "Yeah..." AW nodded, "He's the kind a guy who'd get up and walk away after being vaporized." Nyakun sweatdropped, "That doesn't necessarily mean he survived this..." "Let's compromise then." Kane sighed, "We'll go in, Royally Pound the Darkmoonians, but try to hold off detonating their base until the Minpirians have had enough time to search for Tuxedo Dionysus." "Sounds like a plan." Korb agreed, "Just be careful around Dark Glen's Demon Sword. We don't need any more Sailor-wannabes causing trouble." "That's true. Named Otaku seem to create stronger Evilized Sailor-wannabes too... and there's a heck of a lot of targets here." RockmanX cautioned everyone. "Let's get them!" Sailor Universe shouted as she raised her fist in the air, next to her, T-cat stood on his hind legs and raised his little paw too. Everyone shouted agreement then charged into the meteorite's tunnel network. < Pitch screaming in the shower -Scene Switch > Tuxedo Dionysus slowly regained conciousness to find himself chained inside a large, plastic chamber. This chamber was air-tight, and ran from the floor to the ceiling in what appeared to be Prince Sapphire's Secret Laboratory. "Whe..where am I?" "Ah, you finally woke up." he heard his nemesis snicker, "I was beginning to wonder if you ever would." "Sapphire!" TD growled. "Ah ah ah. Mind your manners Janitor." The labcoated darkmoonian chided, "After all, YOU'RE the one stuck inside the airtight chamber, not me." "What do you want?" the yellow tuxedoed minakochanian muttered, "Last thing I remember was the Dark Crystal landing on me." Sapphire nodded, "Yep, and don't doubt me when I say I was more than hopeful that you were crushed. The amount of trouble you and your merry band of ditzes have caused the Darkmoon was beginning to irritate me." "So what happened then?" "Your broom saved you." the dark prince explained. "Quite a feat for a wooden broom to hold up a space vessel and the meteorite it was imbedded in." He nodded to a smaller plastic chamber that held the Morphing Old Broom. Despite its ordeal, it looked as brand new as an old broom could be. "That still doesn't explain why you didn't just finish me off, or let me sufficate down there." TD growled. "That was a matter of curiousity." Sapphire replied as he stuck his safety glasses in his coat, "You see, the last time I saw that sort of strength was right here in this lab." "What?!" Pressing a button, Prince Sapphire flooded the chamber holding the Morphing Old Broom with nega-energy. It glowed for a second, then instantly liquified into a silvery goo. "My broom was a shapeshifter?" TD pikued, "No wonder it could extend itself and turn from broom to mop..." "I wondered where you escaped to 3 years ago." The prince continued, "And how a lowly janitor was able to cause such problems." "Nani?" "The broom isn't the entire shapeshifter." Sapphire continued, "It's a part of you. You're the shapeshifter that escaped my lab years ago." TD looked blankly at the Darkmoonian as his nemesis hit the switch, flooding his own chamber with nega-energy. "AAAHH!" He shouted in alarm as he watched himself fall to the floor... his body turning to silvery goo... Everything went black. End Chapter VI. - Could things be looking any darker for TD? - Is this a setup for a really big fight scene? - Will the Allies defeat the Darkmoon menace? - Will the oav end before it becomes too monotonous? - What about Seedling's powerup?! (oh, damn we haven't mentioned that yet.. ^_^;;) - Has anyone seen my sandwich? (NC-Janitor: Burp.) We -honestly- hope that at least one of these questions will be answered by the end of Chapter VII. Well, let's face it, we don't have a fraggin clue if they'll be answered. I mean, Come ON! This thing was supposed to end with Chapter V!! We have to be stopped. Stop us! Stop us before we write again!! == Chapter Six Outtakes ================================================= "... This could get messy..." Dark Glen mused when he and Pitch stepped onto the bridge. "...sorry..." Pitch absorbed her sweatdrop, "heavy flow day..." --- Sailor Dragon had fired off enough rocks to bury the two... "You know... I really hadn't thought that far ahead." The Noncontinuous One sweatdropped. Kane facefaulted in the cramped space. The floor collapsed too early and Kane fell 10 feet into the ditch, rupturing something near and dear to him. "Itai..." he moaned. --- "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Sally screeched as just about every pair of scissors stuck into her body. ... "This is where you fall down." Kane whispered to her. --- The Evilized Tokoz knew exactly what this method was. Her eyes went wide as panic gripped her. She shook her head violently as if to say 'You wouldn't dare!'. NC-Janitor nodded his head just as violently, as if to reply 'The heck I would toots!'... then pulled down as hard as he could! Everyone sweatdropped. He pulled down again! Still wouldn't budge tho. "Uh... a little help here?" He grinned weakly. --- "Nice parking, AW!" Rooks complimented the warrior. "Thanks, man!" "Did we make it in time for the party?" Brutus yelled to the gathered allies, "... hey Korb, what are you doing?" Korb turned from the poster he was hanging up quickly, "NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL!!" Raven sweatdropped, "Dude... you're not suppose to put up the posters until next chapter..." --- "Yo Lizard!" The Evilized Dragon jolted upright, then slowly turned around to face Kane, eyes seething with anger. Minutes later, Kane knocked down a nameless otaku as he ran for his life. "IT'S IN THE SCRIPT!!!" Kane shouted at the top of his lungs as Tokoz chased him out of the studio and through the parking lot, breathing fire all the way, "THE SCRIPT MAKES ME SAY THAT!!! DIIIOONNNYYYSSSUSSS!!!! WAAAAAAH!" "You -did- tell Toku-chan about the lizard insult being added afterwards, didn't you Kobanal?" Dionysus asked, still back on the set. "No... I thought you were going to tell her..." "Aaah, that explains it..." TD mused then picked up his megaphone, "OK EVERYONE, TAKE A FIVE MINUTE BREAK. WE'LL TRY THIS SCENE AGAIN THE NEXT TIME KANE RUNS BACK THIS WAY." -- Tuxedo Dionysus & Kobanal Thiwarden